Abr 27, 2021 | Articulo, ArticuloBio, paper
Disponible en: https://peerj.com/articles/11102/ Background The post-mortem interval (PMI) is the time elapsed since the dead of an individual until the body is found, which is relevant for forensic purposes. The miRNAs regulate the expression of some genes; and due...
Dic 8, 2020 | Articulo, ArticuloBio, paper
Ir al artículo de la LCF: “Anterior dental arch shape and human identification: Kieser et al. method applied to 2D-3D dental models in Mexican population”. J. Jasso-Cuéllar, I. Gil-Chavarría y M. Quinto-Sanchez, For. Sci. Int.: Rep., 2(100161)...
Dic 2, 2020 | Articulo, ArticuloBio, paper
Ene 24, 2020 | Articulo, ArticuloBio, paper
Ir al articulo Highlights The NR3C1 gene expression was found up-regulated in patients with PTSD. The detection of NR3C1 over- expression might be a promising diagnostic and risk biomarker for PTSD. Low serum cortisol might be partially explained by an increase...
Jul 24, 2019 | Articulo, ArticuloBio, paper
Link al artículo de la LCF: Caecidotea camaxtli (Isopoda: Asellidae) a new species fromthe Tlaxcala valley, Mexico”, Zootaxa 4624 (3): 377–386, 2019.
Ene 17, 2018 | Articulo, ArticuloBio, paper
Felicidades a Mirsha Quinto-Sánchez, Rolando Gonzalez-Jose, DrMolusco Tlctzn y el equipo del Consorcio Candela por este logro. Uno más! Un orgullo para la Licenciatura en Ciencia Forense que sus miembros estén cosechando estos esfuerzos. Clic en la imagen para...